I first saw Frank at the Tendring Show and was impressed with his dog handling skills and how he presented his techniques to the audience. My reason for going to Frank was to correct Purdey’s behaviour towards other dogs but quickly realised that it was me who was in need of correcting and training to understand dogs and how to handle them.
My husband (a lifetime rugby player and coach) came along to the first couple of lessons and was astounded at my inability to follow basic commands and drills. Frank’s patience and perseverance in explaining the logic behind the moves helped my understanding supporting me to succeed. I have learnt that dogs need a leader who is calm, confident, consistent and a clear communicator and more importantly what that looks like in practice. All traits I would have said were my strengths, but it turned out this wasn’t the case, so it was no surprise that Purdey and I were in a pickle when we arrived.
I have learnt more about myself over these last few months than in my life so far. I have altered the way I learn and practised the drills on my own first, to get it right for Purdey. Sometimes the simplest lessons are the hardest to learn!
Purdey and I have come a long way and I agree with Frank, “He’s a different dog to the one you first brought here.” Indeed, I’m a different handler. The beating season will commence in a couple of months and I’m excited for what lies ahead for Purdey and I. Thank you, Frank.